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Re: Re: Re: Re: 18 yr old drop out, partying and irresponsible

She's at home only when she doesnt have a friends house to stay at. I have tried telling her and her father that she needs to pay rent since she is not in school and if she would go to school then she could live here without paying rent. I also told her yesterday that she is running out of time to find a job or she will have to leave perminately. I am on her and her dad daily about making her get a job. He is getting annoyed with me always complaining about it but what else am I suppose to do? She needs to learn this is what she choose and that she needs to start taking responsibilty for her actions.

I don't believe she is stripping or dealing drugs, but I do believe she is doing them. I believe her "friends" give her cigs give her gas money to drive them around and what ever else she is doing. My husband is not giving her any money, I know because I asked him. I appreciate all the feed back that I have received and have tried the advice given to no avail. I guess I just need to know that what I am doing and how I feel about the whole situation is valid.

Thank you for all the advice and any other advice would be appreciated.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 18 yr old drop out, partying and irresponsible

Well it sounds like you're doing all you can... your hands are pretty well tied if your husband won't agree and stick by it. A mind that's changed against its will is of the same opinion still, so nagging won't do much good but do continue to let your feelings on the issue be known.

I didn't mean to offend with my comment about drugs or stripping, I just didn't want to sidestep the issue since your post made me wonder where she finds the money. I can understand gas money and cigs etc. but is she still making her actual car payment each month? I know in our partying days a number of my friends were doing small-time dealings for extra cash or to make ends meet and their parents would never have suspected in a million years.

Kudos to you for exploring your options and getting advice, doing all you can to look out for her best interests. You sound like a great stepmom, I hope you are appreciated.