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Re: Help! My 5 year old is a jerk

Have you tried any parenting books? The book Parenting Secrets By Mother of Five will teach your child life skills such as putting others first, how to communicate, good manners, honesty and integrity. This book was written by a mother of five who looked back at her time at home with her children and wrote down what worked and didn't work so other parents could avoid the difficulties we all encounter. The nice thing about this book is you don't need to start the techniques from birth. The ideas can be implemented at any age.
Here's a link: Click Here!

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Hi, I have a 5 year old girl and she is the mouthiest child ever. She is an only child but my husband and I are strict for the most part. We spend alot of time with her and have her involved in lots of activities (not too many). We follow though with our threats of taking toys away. I take them away and donate them if she doesn't listen. I praise her for when she does something well and give her opportunities to earn her toys/privlidges back. Spanking is NOT an option. It only inflames the situation and makes me feel badly. I do not want to hit my child. I'm at my wits end. There is lots of back talk...she is a great kid at school but seems to turn into a horrible child when she doesn't get her way. She has her own agenda and I have to ask her to do things over and over again before she'll go do it. As I said..taking things away doesn't do much ...she'll get upset for the moment and then forget about it. Does anyone have ANY ideas as to what I can do.
