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Re: child wont listen

Hi tanya, how old is your child? Looking back, I had the same problem when my daughter was younger, and it is a phase that doesn't last forever. The main thing is that before you go out, you should let her know that you will be in a busy place and it's important that she stay with you at all times. You have to let her know what proper public behaviour is and that she must abide by it other wise there will be consequences such as taking something away that she likes or whatever you choose (and you must stick to the consequence of your choice). Let her know that throwing herself on the ground is not appropriate behaviour and that you will not put up with it. It may take a while before she gets the message but at least this way she get's a clear message on what you expect out of her.
This is the method i used and it does work. I hope this is helpful for you and GOOD LUCK!!!