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6 yr old crying wolf

My six year old daughter has started pretending that she is sick (eg. tummy aches, headaches etc.), just so she can get out of doing something she doesn't want to do. For instance, yesterday the school called and said she had a tummy ache so i picked her up and brought her home and as soon as i put her to bed, she jumped up and said she felt better. Now i am having a hard time knowing when she is really sick or not because i don't know when she's faking it. How can i teach her that it is wrong to pretend she is sick? She is a good actress and i would like to know that when she's sick, i can give her the appropriate attention that is needed.

Re: 6 yr old crying wolf

All kids go through this stage.My 7yr old has gone through this and still trys it on,I tell him that if hes ill he has to stay in bed all day no tv no playing games i normally get to know the truth that way!! Hope this helps?

Re: Re: 6 yr old crying wolf

In my house she'd have got sent back to bed as and fed foul soup for tea
(I don't know about teaching them pretending to be ill is wrong but I know how to teach them mum isn't as silly as she is daft looking!)

If its a habit though, maybe worth investigating if there is some problem at school thats making her want to come home.

Re: 6 yr old crying wolf


This reminds me of when my youngest was going to nursery, and he actually drew red spots on his face and body in red felt tip pen, and said he had "chicken spots"! Then he drew a pic of himself with a sad face and spots, and a bottle of medicine in one hand, and a spoon in the other, and insisted he needed to stay home!!! The nursery staff laughed so hard when i explained why he had red dots on his face that day! He was only 4, bless his heart he hated nursery that much!

Ellie is spot on, make being ill boring! If she says she is sick, tell her she must go to bed for the day, without toys and tv, since she needs to rest! I think that will be a good guide as to how sick she really is, and if she is ill, its the best place for her anyway!

Love Liz x