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something different

Two posts in one day!!!

Just thought I would retell a quick story, to remind us that bringing up kids can be funny and cute, not all trouble and strife...if you have a funny story, please add it!!

I had had very long hair since I was a child, and at 44 decided that it was time to get rid of it ( long overdue actually...!!) So I cut it quite short and to my surprise I actually have curly hair! So I arrive to pick up my kids from school,looking completely different and fabulous, and the 3 boys run out first, throwing their backpacks at my feet on the way past... 'Hi Mum!!' no reaction whatsoever!!

My daughter comes out the gate, sees me and stops dead, her jaw dropped and she just stood... 'Mum!!' she said.. 'You look so beautiful! You are even more beautiful than my guinea pig!!'



Re: something different

Awwww don't you just love em! I'm prodigal curly too; this week, in fact, I made the decision to lay down my heated tools of pain, and stop lying to myself. My youngest son was kind of troubled this morning with the pineapple I have on my head (for sleeping, you understand). And then he said, "I know what you've done! You've bought some new hair!!! Can it come off now please?"

Your guinea pig comment made me laugh, my son equates beauty with his guinea pig too!


Liz x