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Re: Night Time Blues!

hi amanda,

firstly i would say - don't be so hard on yourself! all babies are different and it sounds like you were very lucky with your eldest with getting him to sleep through the night. some babies don't sleep right through until they are a few months old.

i agree that your partner does need to help you out more and am pleased that you've spoken to him about this and it has improved a bit. yes, i'm sure he does find it hard to get up in the night but don't we all?! perhaps agree to take it in turns to get up with baby?

it's not great to shut the door, mute the monitor and leave him crying but i do understand that you're at your wits end.

all i would say is just try to get by now with help from your partner (and friends family as suggested above), it's a good idea trying to nap when baby does. could you maybe put your eldest in nursery a couple of afternoons a week?

sorry i can't be more help

em x

Re: Night Time Blues!

Thanks em.

Yes my eldest does go to nursery 3 days a week as I didn't want to upset his routine because I'll be going back to work (for a rest!) in June.

Father's excuse for not taking it in turns during the week is that he works all day -(whilst I obviously just chill out all day...doing the cleaning, washing, ironing and cooking etc well as being a mum -MEN!

Am not feeling as tired these last few days, was diagnosed being anemic and on iron tablets so finally my iron levels must be returning back to normal. Was anemic with my eldest but was so bad I ended up having a blood transfusion so didn't really suffer with the symptons at home.

Tom being alot more wakeful today, has just had a few short naps and in fact I can't get him to have an afternoon nap! Think I'll take the opportunity to go on an outing!