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Re: Advice re my 6 year old son please

hi aerin,

thanks for your reply - some good points there. Yes i was thinking about the pocket money thing over the weekend, and i agree - it would be better if the reward is something that involves him and i doing something nice together. perhaps like julie said - i could take him out for hot chocolate and a snack etc.

also, that's a really good point about questioning authority and to a degree it's my 'fault' as i always explain to him why he needs to do things, why he shouldn't do things etc. so i guess it's just that he wants to know WHY he should do this or that.

re how he's being disruptive in class - yes it is often that he's not sitting still doing as he's been instructed, or messing around with his friends.

i feel a lot more positive now. i'm expecting another call from the school today to arrange to go in and see them.

thanks, em x

Re: Advice re my 6 year old son please

Hi again Em,

Sorry I abandoned ship like that, it seems now, I have no better advice that what the other ladies have said. I echo the other post about questioning quthority not necessarily being a bad thing, people like that are the ones who make changes when they grow up, and will stand for what they believe rather than be Yes people.

How did your call from school go?

Liz x

Re: Advice re my 6 year old son please

when i took my son to school this morning the family liasion officer mentioned his behaviour to me as well. i informed her i am waiting for a call to arrange a meeting and asked her to chase this up for me. i'm hoping someone will ring once the school day is done.