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2 yr old... won't go outside

My son is 26 months old. He is a happy, active child. Rarely puts up a fight. Usually a dream child! However, lately, for about 6 weeks now, he refuses to put on a coat and boots. And refuses to go outside. I'm talking extreme temper tantrum, to the point that we can not pick him up, can not reason with him, can not soothe him. It's as if he's terrified to go outside! I can not recall any incidents that would trigger this behaviour. It's getting very frustrating and I don't feel its healthy for him to not go outside! Any tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Re: 2 yr old... won't go outside

A few ideas:

Don't take him outside for a while so he forgets whatever it was that he resists.

Don't force him to put coate and hat on. This may be what he hates. Children are warmer than us and can handle the cold just fine. If he is too cold he will ask to put the coat on or go back inside.

Take him to a specially fun outdoor acitivity, the playground, the zoo, the beach, friends etc.