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Re: 8 yr old and sleep

1) Don't worry, she sounds great.
2) Observe the connection between her energey and food, specially sugary stuff, bread, potatos and corn. Those can keep some sensitive people awake.

Re: 8 yr old and sleep

i would agree with the comment above about making sure she doesn't eat / drink anything with sugar / additives etc after say 5pm.

also, do you have a bedtime routine? if not it may be a good idea to start doing the same thing every night ie bath at 7pm, in pjs by 7:30pm, make her a milky drink and read to her for 20 minutes or so, then maybe allow her to do something quiet and relaxing for half an hour (reading to herself quietly in bed is a good idea) lights out by 8:30pm and insist that she has to stay in bed and just rest even if she can't get to sleep. don't let her watch tv in bed or anything that will stimulate her mind.

i don't know if you've tried all this before so just my suggestions. as above i wouldn't worry too much if she seems ok, just try to do it gradually so that you get some time to yourself and she realises the importance of rest.


em x

Re: 8 yr old and sleep

Thanks for the replies. She doesn't drink milk though so I can't give her a milky drink, She does have a night time routine... but it can't always be followed as on a Sat for example, she gets home at 9pm from gym....and on Tues cubs finishes at 8. She always reads before bed.
She has slept better the last 2 nights... I think she doesn't need as much sleep as her peers. I ahve spoken to her teacher who said she's not showing signs of tiredness at school.
However, this weekend she has been tired... and has suddenly started going to sleep before 10pm. She was asleep before 9:30pm last night... the first night this year.
I will keep an eye on what she is eating. As a baby she didn't eat bread/ potatoes etc out of choice... but has actually been eating lots of pancakey stuff etc recently.. and pasta. I wonder if there is a link as these were foods she refused when younger. We haven't had any of this food in the house for the last couple of days as the dog ate it!!!!
Thanks again for your replies.