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Re: Potty Training

This is totally normal for a child who wears disposable and has not been aware of his body. If, with your next child, you want an earlier out of diapers baby, use cloth and talk to the baby from day one about what is going on as he is doing it. So, it all depends and nothing is wrong with any way you go. Just keep him feeling good about himself and secure in your approval.

Re: Potty Training

Hi Amanda,

Like the other posters have said this is completely normal and you shouldn't be worried.

A couple of ideas that you could use to start giving your son a bit more readiness:

1) Let him watch you and Dad use the toilet

2) Talk to him about "wet" and "dry", wash hands together and talk about the dryness of the towel. Let him feel a wet towel, and so on.

You might like this article that my friend Monicka wrote:

Potty training your child

Good luck!


Re: Potty Training

hi amanda,

i was going to say the same thing as cassie - let him watch and learn as grown ups use the toilet (this is what made it happen with my son). Also have you tried just regularly letting him wander round with a bare bottom and encouraging him to just sit on the potty every now and then? of course he will have accidents but if when he does you sit him on the potty afterwards he will learn by association. just lots of praise and encouragement for sitting on the potty and trying / telling him what a big boy he is etc.


Em x

Re: Potty Training

Thanks to those who responded. Yesterday by pure coincidence whilst I was catching up on my sleep my son had his first wee in his potty, albeit a small one. My other half decided didn't not to empty it so my son could show me the evidence himself, he was so proud. I gave him a big hug and my son proudly showed me that he was wearing his Bob the Builder underpants. However within the hour of celebrating he weed in his pants so it was just a case of never mind. I think he isn't quite ready yet and so I am just gonna relax and wait till the times right.

Re: Re: Potty Training


Just wanted to point out that it isn't an instant process, with boys especially it's a bit on again off again. As Cassie says, if you keep encouraging him and praise him wildly when he does use the potty, you'll find he'll warm up to it. I also like to point out to my son how nice it is to be all clean and dry still afterwards.

We've had a bit of a roller coaster with it because the court orders him three days at his dad's, who is totally inconsistent and unhelpful so while I had a two year old using the toilet no problems (I used cloth diapers with him until he got too big for them, so that speeded things along), EVEN AT NIGHT, for two months, it's been up and down ever since and I now have a three year old wetting himself almost daily. UGH. Anyhow, good luck, consistency is key.

Re: Potty Training

Aww that is SO cute! I love that he was so proud of himself. I'm sure if you keep on doing what you're doing, make a big fuss of him when he "performs" and go "never mind" when he has an accident, things will work out just fine.

BTW I thought your other post about "flowers" was TOTALLY HILARIOUS!!!!



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