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2.5 year old has bad mornings

Our 2.5 yr old son is awful to take to his child minder in the morning. He is quite moody first thing in the morning but seems to come round OK until we go to his child minder. As soon as he goes in the door he starts making faces and when the other children come to greet him he pushes or hits them and shouts at them. His child minder says he is fine within about five minutes of me leaving but I want him to stop this behaviour. I have tried telling him off and explaining how sad he makes the other children. We have asked him if he likes going to child minder's and if he likes the other children - he says he does.
I don't know what to do about this behaviour.

Re: 2.5 year old has bad mornings

Hi Janet,

I guess it's a bit disconcerting for a 2.5 year old and he's too young to know how to handle the situation and probably too young to really understand what you do/don't want from him.

It's really good news that he settles down and enjoys the day once he's on site, as it were.

My suggestion to you would be to try and tell him specifically how you DO want him to behave rather than telling him off.

Just before you take him in, get right down to his level, give him your full attention and a big smile, and say "Show me how you can come in quietly and say hello nicely to your friends."

Then the minute you see an improvement, praise him. Get down to him again, and say "Well done!" enthusiastically, maybe give him a big hug or even a treat.

Days when he still tries to push or shout, hold his hand firmly so he can't hurt anyone, and ignore him.

Just my suggestions, basically focus on the behavior you want and find ways to reward it, and give him as little attention as possible for the behavior you don't want!



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