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Re: advive

Hi again Mel,

It sounds like something has triggered this behavior, if she has suddenly become much more clingy with this toy. Probably it helps her feel secure, so something may have happened - most likely at school I'm guessing, as it sounds like family life is very loving and secure - to rock her little world and shake her confidence.

It might be something small, when we're kids it is natural to occassionally "over-react" (not unknown in adults either !).

Anyway I think you're doing the right thing by giving her plenty of love and reassurance, try not to make an issue of "teddy" if possible, maybe get her to tuck him in bed or put him somewhere safe before school as a way of acknowledging his importance to her. The clinginess should fade as her confidence comes back.

It would be worth delving a bit deeper if you can into what has happened to upset her. Hopefully it's a one-off thing but it's worth thinking about the possibility that someone might be picking on her or some other kind of ongoing upset.

She knows she has your love and support and that is the most important thing!

Best of luck


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