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Re: out of the military at 25, back home now, mom wants curfew...

You haven't mentioned what time the curfew during the week your parents want to enforce. Personally, while your're living under their roof you should abide by their rules and this situation should spurn you on to work hard (saving your pennies rather than spending it on booze) and get a place of your own. You will need to gain their trust before they can make allowances for you. What would you do if you were in their shoes? You say that at your age you know right from wrong well that's obviously been disproven by the fact you've been in trouble with the law!

Re: Re: out of the military at 25, back home now, mom wants curfew...

i disagree entirely with amanda. i think there is nothing wrong with staying out till 2am as long as you arent getting yourself into trouble.

at your age, you are an adult in all respects and should be allowed to come and go, not only as, but when you please as well.

i think your parents are going to drive you crazy with their overprotectiveness if you live with them for longer than necessary.

so i suggest you dont give into them but work as hard as you can on getting a job so you can get yoru own place as soon as possible.

you are an adult and responsile for your actions. the responsibility your parents had was to bring you up well when you were a child. that time is over now.

if they feel they have failed... thats just tough.

they cant continue to treat you like a little kid.

they keep talking about you not resoecting them. but what are they doing disrespoecting you as an adult?

i think you should get out of there asap.


Re: out of the military at 25, back home now, mom wants curfew...

LOL ...! I actually agree with BOTH the previous posters. Obviously you're an adult and it would be nice if you were treated as such.

However, at the end of the day you are an (adult) visitor in someone else's home, and your parents have a right to decide what the rules are in their home. I must say if I had a visitor staying I wouldn't be too thrilled if they came home at 2am, mainly because I value my sleep and peace and quiet so much!


My Goal for 2007 - to post on my parenting blog every day!

Re: out of the military at 25, back home now, mom wants curfew...

Probably the reason your mother is worrying about you has little to do with your age and more to do with your "trouble with the law". You don't mention what that trouble was, so you're leaving much to the imagination, here.

I would agree that NORMALLY, 25yr olds go party to all hours of the night as they choose, BUT the time they want you home may not have so much to do with you partying out as it does with you disrupting their sleep coming in at the wee hours. If I have a late night with my friends my partner feels the same way -- alot of this is you choosing to be treated "like a child" instead of seeing the situation as a group of what should be MUTUALLY respectful adults. That means you have to respect your parents' wishes while you are in their home as you would expect any houseguest to respect YOUR way of life if it were your home.

Change your attitude and get your life together. For your date night, consider making alternate sleeping arrangements (and no, I don't mean THAT KIND)