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Re: My 2.5 yr old is being bullied!!!

Wow Jen that sounds pretty bad! I'm scared to think what this is doing to your son's confidence at such an early age - how heartbreaking for you to have to see this.

I hope that some of the other helpful people on here will have some practical advice for you, as my instinctive reaction is that 2.5 is way too young for him to be able to effectively stand up for himself and he really needs to be taken out of that environment. Is there a different playgroup - or some different childcare arrangement that is feasible for you?

Please keep checking back for some more replies, there are lots of caring parents on here that might have had a similar problem and be able to help more. Perhaps my reaction is an over-reaction, but my gut instinct wanted to cry out, "get the poor baby out of there!"

Lots of cyberhugs to you,


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Re: Re: My 2.5 yr old is being bullied!!!

My instinct is the same, get him out of that enviroment and into another more suitable one.
To teach him how to 'stand up for himself' you need to spend time with him in the same kind of enviroment, so that your on hand to help him react in a more confident way because as you say he's too young yet to grasp it all just from chatting to him about it. Perhaps some role play with his teddies would help build his confidence up too.

But really, think about finding somewhere new for him to go to because he's so little to have his confidence knocked like that...and they do say what they learn in the first 3 years of life is what stays with them for the rest of it.

Re: Re: My 2.5 yr old is being bullied!!!

Is the teacher aware of this? If so, you should discuss with the head teach or management why the teacher allows this to happen. Complain to the school board.