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If anyone could spare a few moments, i would be very grateful

We are London University Media Students, conducting a survey on Violence in the Media.

We are trying to investigate the feelings of the public with regard to film and television classification.

We would be really grateful if you could spare a few moments to answer some questions about certification of Film and Television presentations.

Please Mark (X) or complete as appropriate.

Your age _______

Your Gender ______ (M/F)

1. Do you have any children? Yes _____ No _____

1a. If so, How old are they? 0-5 ____ 6-10 ____ 11-15 ____ 16-19____ 20+ _____
(Please use one X per child)

2. Do you find Film Certificates useful?

Never ____ Rarely ____ Neutral ____ Occasionally ____ Very ____

3. Have you ever changed your plans to see a film based on the certificate?

Yes ____ No ____

4. Have you ever thought a Film Certificate should be Higher than it was?

Yes ____ No ____

5. Have you ever thought a Film Certificate should be Lower than it was?

Yes ____ No ____

6. Have you ever watched a Film or Programme that was certified above your age?

Yes ____ No ____

7. Do you feel that this affected you in any way at the time? ( eg, did you have nightmares, trouble sleeping etc?)

No ____ Dont Know____ Yes ____

8. Do you think there is any link between television and movie violence and real life?

No ____ Possibly ____ Neutral ____ Probably ____ Yes ____

9. In your opinion, do you feel that news on our televisions is:

Heavily Censored ____ Over-Censored ____ Neutral ____ Under censored____Not Censored Enough____

10. Generally speaking, for films and television, do you feel the current certificates and guidelines are enough?

Not Enough ____ Rarely ____ Neutral ____ Mostly ____ Yes ____ Too Much ____

Many thanks for your time.

Your details will only be used to form statistical graphs to based on age, gender and opinion. You will not be contacted for any other purpose. Any information received will not be passed on in any other form.