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children who wont let go of their childhood teddy/blanket???

Re: advive

How old are we talking here?

Re: advive

Please give more info, not just the topic.

Re: advive

Hi Mel,

My 6 year old nephew is still very attached to his "ducky" which was his constant companion when he was a baby. Now that he is at school, he very carefully tucks "ducky" into bed in the morning and the first thing he does when he gets back from school is run to get him.

There's not necessarily anything "wrong" with still being attached to a babyhood toy - my nephew is a secure and well adjusted boy and this phase doesn't cause him any problems.

I guess the question is, if your child is still attached to a blanket/teddy, is it actually causing an issue? Perhaps he or she is old enough to understand some boundaries, like it's not appropriate to take it to school or playgroup perhaps, or not to hold it during meals, or whatever you think is the problem area. Complete "weaning" will just take place naturally when the child is ready.

As the other posters have mentioned, it would be helpful to know a bit more about your situation, your child's age and what the problem is so please let us know more details and we might be able to help!



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my daughter is seven years old..
i love her having an interest in her childhood toy..
but lately she is being very clingy to it.. she wont let me wash it as it is getting quite dirty. she wants to bring it to school but last time the children laughed at her... she gets all the attention in the world i always show her my love.... cuddle her and now shes bringing it in the car when we go shopping,,, when we vist family and its getting kinda worn and
old shes had it since she was a baby...

Re: advive

Hi again Mel,

It sounds like something has triggered this behavior, if she has suddenly become much more clingy with this toy. Probably it helps her feel secure, so something may have happened - most likely at school I'm guessing, as it sounds like family life is very loving and secure - to rock her little world and shake her confidence.

It might be something small, when we're kids it is natural to occassionally "over-react" (not unknown in adults either !).

Anyway I think you're doing the right thing by giving her plenty of love and reassurance, try not to make an issue of "teddy" if possible, maybe get her to tuck him in bed or put him somewhere safe before school as a way of acknowledging his importance to her. The clinginess should fade as her confidence comes back.

It would be worth delving a bit deeper if you can into what has happened to upset her. Hopefully it's a one-off thing but it's worth thinking about the possibility that someone might be picking on her or some other kind of ongoing upset.

She knows she has your love and support and that is the most important thing!

Best of luck


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