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Hi everyone, many thanks to all of you for your kind words and suggestions.

My sister phoned me today after a visit with social services. They say their hands are tied because he is 16, typical, I dont know what their excuses were 6 months ago, but they have truimphed in their failure once again. She sat there for an hour, and got nothing but a list of phone numbers.

She visited a place called Connections, a volunteer group, and they helped her and are helping to get my nephew a therapist. They said its very dangerous to stop taking Ritalin so suddenly, and this can cause pyschosis, and can cause permanent damage! So this doctor has some explaining to do! They are arranging for him to have proper support now, hopefully his arrest will result in caution since hes never done anything wrong before. I should have said before, hes never been violent before, I'm certain this was a result of his cold turkey and his emotional disturbance.

It also turns out that, while he has always been administered Ritalin, by the school nurse, its never been recorded that he has ADHD, and he has never been statemented!!!!!! Hes struggled through school, been made to feel like a write-off, and he could have had support and help all the way along. I could cry for him, he has been let down so badly.

Anyway, my sister, who is one special lady might I add, is going to make some NOISE about all this.

Poor kid was crying all evening thinking he has turned into his biological father. He also said he loves his stepdad and doesnt know why hes been treated this way all his life. And he went to work this morning, the little soldier!

Thanks again girls, your support is appreciated

Liz x

Re: Update....

Big hugs to you all. Glad your sister is keeping it together enough to start sorting it all out.I really do feel for you all and would like to wish you all luck with finding the solution and sorting out those people who have failed him and let him down! Keep us posted on how things go.

Re: Re: Update....

Go Girls!nothing beats the power of MUM!! ( and AUNTY!!)

I'm sure your will see huge changes in the near future, and you'll get to see the fine young man he always wanted to be.


Re: Update....


What a brave little boy! "They say their hands are tied because he is 16" !!! WTF

I do hope he gets the help he so much deserves.

Lots of hugs
