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Re: Neighbours kids vs my kids

Oooh bad neighbours...I know the answer to this one!

You can't win with people like this, you acted like a responsible parent, told the twins mother what had happened, discussed it throroughly with your son and saw it for what it was, normal curiosity just gone too far. They've acted like bullies not only to you but to your son.
I would not have these girls in your house again, not because of what they did but because of the parents behaviour, and you've the perfect excuse to turn them away...dads said they're not allowed round. Stick to polite hello's to the parents, keep the peace if you can because bad neighbours are a nightmare, but don't make time to chat with them.
So long as these girls are learning they can do what they like and mum and dad will only make token noises then blame it all on other people the problem will escalate. And I can bet you theres other parents who've had the same treatment and cross the road to avoid them.
Encourage school/nursery freinds instead, nothing quite as satisfying as turning round to little bullies and saying no you can't come in they've got there nice freinds round to play (evil old cow me LOL) It is very hard when there not yet in school with there social group being so limited. Get in touch with your local council and/or social services and find out all the activities she could be going to and provide her with company that way instead. A more expensive way of doing it but so much better than being clocked over the head by some spoilt little madam.

One thing I found very useful dealing with my neighbours (so much in common with yours) was finding a nice big burly man and making his presence felt...they haven't knocked on my door since. Bullies tend not to pick on people who might win. Only has to be a relative or borrow a mates hubby, only you know who they really are and they don't need to actually do anything just leave the neighbours with the thought that they might

If the way you handled this is the way you always treat your children...then yes, your doing great.

Really feel for you because bad neighbours can make life miserable.

Re: Neighbours kids vs my kids

Hi Carol,

Just want to say I agree with Ellie, these negative jerks aren't people you want around you or your kids. Take advantage of the fact that Big Bad Dad came round laying the law down, and stay away from them. You are best out of it.

Can I just say though, I'm so proud of you, what a great job you're doing! Conscientious parents like you are so rare, I'm very impressed! Your kids are obviously happy and well adjusted, and thats says it all.

If I were you, I would ask some kids from nursery/school round, show your kids how friendships can be positive, and show next-doors that you dont NEED them! ALways hold your head high so they don't think they are getting you down. Ellie is right, single mums are an easy target; my sister is in the same boat, just separated, new home, and the neighbours are hounding her for her kids being noisy, because they won't settle at night in their new home, and they're missing their dad! I'm willing to bet my life if she had a man living there they wouldn't bother her!

Keep up the good work, and feel free to come and vent here whenever you need to!

Love Liz x

Re: Neighbours kids vs my kids

Thank you so much, what lovely replies, not to mention very helpfull!

I am very proud of both my children, they are both loving effectionate no a melicious bone in either of them. They both play together fantastic although of course they can both have there moments like all siblings rivalry, but they are both so very protective of each other too. There was an incident which happened at the neighbours just a few weeks ago where i was there and both my kids because it was the twins birthday, quite a difficult one to avoid unfortunately, But anyway the 3 year old madam i think because she was after the attention started lashing out, and i mean full fisty cuffs which to me isnt normal for a little girl let alone at age of 3, but she was pelting my sons back, the mother got her off him and i said "well im proud as punch of him coz he didnt retalliate and hit her back, he did a very manly thing there" she happen to replie "well you dont know why she was hitting him" so i asked him and he said" i was stopping her from hitting my sister" bless him he was taking the punches so that she couldnt get his sister who was stood in front of him.

It was only at that point that i realised there would NEVER be a time that this woman would see my two as being good kids and that she would always make excuses for her own.

I took my kids back home and felt sooo proud of my son, told him so and gave him the biggest hug and kiss