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Re: 3 year old and her mood swings

My sons 3, he's a moody little rat sometimes, and so were all 3 off my girls at that age (still are), it all sounds perfectly normal to me. It seems to be the age they start learning the skill of being awkward, you know, saying no to a sandwich then the minute you sit down with yours they change there minds...and vice versa... but half the time not bothering to tell you what the problem is. It's designed to drive you slowly mental and keep phychaitrists all over the world employed.

Sometimes its out of confusion, for example my sons just thrown a wobbler over santa, went to see him and came home empty handed when from what he'd been told he was expecting the presents there and then, so be sure to explain situations clearly to her. She may not have wanted her nuggets cutting up or if she was asked, said yes expecting neat little flower shapes not just cut into smaller peices. (Not suggesting you should pamper that idea though!)

Its also normal that she would now be playing happily, little kids take the day in chunks not as a whole so as far as she's concerned its long over. Take her lead and once its done get on with the day as normal.

Its nothing you've done, just perfectly normal 3 year old testing out a few new theories and she'll grow out of it in time. Don't be afraid of saying thats what you asked for so thats what your getting. If you start pandering these responses she'll never have any reason to me more specific about what she actually does want.

Does wear you down some days though.

Re: Re: 3 year old and her mood swings

Thanks so much Ellie!
I just worry not sure why really.
Its silly to expect her to be happy all the time as that would not be normal lol
Its just I wouldn't mind if she lost her temper or started shouting but the fact she always just instantly starts crying, just really wears me down.
Thank you so much for replying :-) x