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Re: Re: 10 yr old boy severly acting out

thank you for your time and consideration :)
If you give him 20mins, he seriously has a complete turn around. This is why I believe it to be his personality. He has a tremendous amount of self worth- something that is worth it's weight in gold and we all aspire to feel the way he does about himself.. truly- (could that be false??) -but he has a need to get his point across and for you to see things his way. It's almost as of he can't 'handle' it.. I am a 'sucker' and his father has control over 'it' better than I do because he is is slightly afraid. I love them more than reason sometimes & he surely uses that.
About him missing his father- we have the most unique of situations & we are very good friends (family really) so, the only thing I see there is that his father is more of a friend (he's very childish) instead of the traditional sense of 'father'. Maybe he feels slighted? I should just take him to counseling- maybe there is an underlying reason that he needs to understand himself. I was very young having them (which makes the name of your book spark much interest in me) & my biggest concern for them is to be emotionally stable- it seems that after that everything falls into place..

Re: Re: Re: 10 yr old boy severly acting out

Riley, I don't have any answers for you, sorry, but your letter was SO close to my life, and my son, that I had to let you know that you are not alone. My son is very much like yours, indifferent, disrespectful, quick to anger, difficult to please and cares about precious little. You really feel like you are missing something obvious - but what??? Life could be so much easier if his mood didn't dominate that entire family. So give us more to run with Naomi! When we have tried to teach respect, family, and his place in the world, that we love him and he is worth it, when we have listened and listened, but still haven't got it right, what next?
