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Re: sex education


That's interesting, my 10 year old son recently asked me the very same thing!

I think it depends on how much he already knows. My son knew about sex, and that sex can lead to babies. He knows about the seed and egg etc. So, I just told him that a condom is something people use while having sex, when they want to have sex but don't want to have a baby. He is VERY grown up in his head, so he took this on board.

Some of his questions are very awkward! Last week he asked me if I like sex, and when was the last time his Dad and I had sex, AND, if I make noises when we do it.....I had to do some pretty quick thinking to answer those things without embarrassment I can tell you!!

Your son will benefit greatly from having a Mum who answers his questions honestly. He will have an advantage over other children who think they know, but are very naive. Often the ones in school who talk about sex the most are the ones who know very little, and give inaccurate and sometimes dangerous information to their friends, for example, you can't get pregnant if you have sex standing up, etc etc. It's great he can come to you and get proper information.

Good luck, I'm sure you will be able to keep him informed without blowing his mind!

Best wishes

Liz x