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Re: My 5 yo son pulled down pants of 5 yo friend...

I don't think that you need a psychologist for this. Five year olds aren't sexually deviant, but they are exploritory: one because they are naturally curious and because it's a subject that isn't really discussed and sometimes even taboo. Obvously you can't have your five year old going around pulling down other kids pants because it's not acceptable but they don't know that. I would just explaine it that way. "Yes boys and girls are different, and you are very smart for noticing but we can't just go around pulling other peoples pants down because it makes them feel emmbaressed, or mad or sad." "When you get a little older you will be ready to understand why boys and girls are different but right now there are plenty of other things we can learn about." Five year olds are very smart and you'll suprised how easily they can understand what we have to tell them. I wouldn't act angry or make a big deal out of it, the less you make a fuss the faster they will forget it and move on to something else. That and you never want a child to feel like they have done something dirty or wrong.

Re: My 5 yo son pulled down pants of 5 yo friend...

hi,children may have sexual ideas at above four the momemnt though it would seem more to do with curiosity. a simple straight forward explanation may help. the thing to worry aout is check out any exposure to child out for any adult/teen ager who may be doing the same to your child. school?

Re: Re: My 5 yo son pulled down pants of 5 yo friend...

I can remember meeting Frank behind the picnic shed at Jenolan Caves when I was 5 and looking at his bits, yep, he looked at mine too ( and go figure... we were different!!) .... we told everyone that we were married for 3 weeks and then forgot about it. It was 1966. I didn't see another naked male until I was 18. I remember it, but I don't think it marked my life in any negative way.

Stop fretting, and cancel the psychologist... so he is a little curious....if the behaviour continues or escalates, maybe then do something. Kids will embarrass you, but time passes.
