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Re: Re: Help! We are having so many problems with our 6-year old

Thanks, lisa,

I do try to spend as much one on one time with her as I can, especially after school. Perhaps she'd benefit from some time with her dad. We'll try it. I'd still love any suggestions or advice anyone has on the bedwetting. I know there is medication out there, but I'd like to exhaust every other possibility before I resort to that.


Re: Help! We are having so many problems with our 6-year old

when i went up to bed i used to lift my son until the age of 9 or so, every night put him on the loo ask him to "do mummy a wee' then carry him back to bed, he was so fast asleep he would only wake a little bit, do his wee and fall right back to sleep,
i found it worth while just so he didn't wake up in the middle of the night wet.
might be worth a try just until shes over this little hicup.
x debs x