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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Need Advice - Frustrated!

I had all this with my ex.....slagging me off in front of the children,writing nasty letters to the children about me.It even got to the point that he upset my eldest when asking about my private life,that my son asked not to see his father.He would change times of picking the children up and dropping them off so that it interfered with my life.I ended up having to call on the assistance of a solicitor.After he found out that I was seeing someone things got worse and always with the children being caught up in the middle of it.He does not have contact apart from written now as he could not comply,been committed to a term in prison and spent two years harassing us.....our tight knit family unit.

At the end of the day she is not happy and wants to destroy other people's happiness.It is such a shame that these sorts do not consider the children in all this though.If the children are becoming more upset and unhappy I would consider getting a solicitor involved and contacting a social worker.It is not in the best interests of the children to be continually bombarded with this kind of behaviour and the psychological effects are far reaching.My eldest son has to see a counsellor as a result of his father's behaviour.