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2 Year Old fights going to sleep

My son is 2 and he has always slept throught the night. Recently he just will not go down to bed, he gets up and just makes all sorts of noise and fusses then eventually goes to sleep on the floor. Once asleep his internal clock wakes him up at midnight for a few minutes. Anybody have any ideas here. We used the reward if he goes down and stays down like he can make pancakes with us in the morning or something but nothing really seems to work yet.

Re: 2 Year Old fights going to sleep

try keep bed time calm and quiet, maybe a warm bath, bedtime story, give warning 'its bedtime soon' keep things to a routine so he knows whats coming, keep at it and things will soon settle down again,
has there been any changes to his daily routine lately?

its great that you reward him for going to bed with no fuss, and that you dont give in to him, just keep at it.
good luck
x debs x

Re: Re: 2 Year Old fights going to sleep

Why not just put his covers on the floor to start with, make it out like hes camping?
I wouldn't worry about him waking in the night if he's getting himself back to sleep, lots of toddlers do that, I reckon my son does it when he needs a wee which I'll be very grateful of when the night-time nappy comes off!

Re: Re: Re: 2 Year Old fights going to sleep

Well thank you for the ideas, I am sure I will give them a try. We have a routeen down where we give a 10 minute warning, then do teeth, then cloths, then read two books of his choice but he likes to roam around the room after that. It appears to be his way of winding down. They teach us something new every day.