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ok here is a list of things that might help.

routine, structure, consistency,
keeping things in the same order in the daily routine.

one thing at a time, if you give 3 instructions they will only remember the third one.

ignoring what is unimportant.

know what triggers bad behaviour, late nights, change to routine, long car ride.

keep to clear rules.
keep the rules age related.
take a gentle approach, being to tough will cause defiance,
reward good behaviour ignore the bad,
this can be just giving you time, read a book, trip to the park.

if the talking is so bad try asking your son to sit quietly through a short cartoon then reward him for not chattering all the way through it.
this will reinforce NOT chattering all the time is a good thing. hope some of this helps.
x debs x


PLEASE don't spank your child for talking - or anything else. Spanking will not solve discipline problems and hurts you as well as the child. It's very shaming. Try setting up ground rules for him. He can talk for 10 minutes then he needs to play quietly without talking for five. Tell him he can earn rewards doing this and that you will continue with this routine until he can do it for himself. Obviously he can control himsself in class. WHat is his teacher doing to help him not talk all the time? ALso, there is an emotional disorder that is recognized by mental health professionals. Talk to a psychotherapist to get him analyzed. Hope this helps.