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Re: 11 yr old step son

i really really feel for you my son also has ADHD he is 11,
its not an easy job being a parent and you have the added problems of your sons behaviour disorder.
have you tried talking to the school to see what steps can be put in place with regard to his school work, it helps to work together to show a united front on this. ( is there a problem like bulling going on)
as for behaviour at home the only thing i can suggest is stick to your guns, i find reward and removel of privaliges (sp) works really well for us.
but one punishment per crime, to much overpowering can make him give up even bothering to try.
wish you all the best and your not alone with this, sorry i couldn't offer any more help on this.
x debs x

Re: 11 yr old step son

One of several things maybe happening.Is he getting bullied at all?Does he sleep well at night and can he relax easily?What is his diet like?

I have recently discovered that my eleven year old was consuming more sugar than I was aware and he would go to tremendous lengths to get it.This in turn was leading to unexplained headaches, sluggish, behaviour with mood swings.

Your son may be experiencing hormonal changes too.Was his introduction into high school a smooth one?

I am asking all these questions and putting them to you as one holds the key.It is sometimes something so obvious that we do not always see.

Good luck!