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Re: Potty training

Well, no offense but I would not suggest letting your child go potty in any public area. That is what restrooms are for. Take her out for short trips to places you frequent and test the waiting on how long it takes her to have to go in between leaving and arriving at places. Each time you go, ask her if she can hold it for 5 more minutes. That is the best advice I can think of. I used pullups with my child and never forced potty training on her. She actually potty trained herself when she was ready and she was ready fast too. Most places have public bathrooms and you can always set your potty seat in there. That would be more appropraite in my opinion. Good luck:)

Re: Re: Potty training

I no it sonds harsh but now she is dry at home get rid of any potty you have and encourage her to use the toilet at home and when your out thats what i did you will be suprised how quickly it works.If your worried jut keep a spare set of clothes in the car