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Re: Is this usual?

Sounds like you took care of it nicely. You talked. She calmed down reassured that you are not going anywhere.
Is there still a problem? I have recently read an advice column in Life Learning Magazine about this subject. Maybe you can find it.
My children talk about death a lot. I make it a friendly theme. Maybe no one ever talked about it with her, so she was scared by the fact that it was an unmentioned subject? Sometime could have happened or a story may have triggered her awareness. I don't know. We just talk about it with a benign flair just like talking about life. I think you are doing fine. If you are still worried seek advice from Dr. Aldort by phone. She is the author of, Raising Our children, Raising Ourselves.

Re: Is this usual?

Yes its happened to me. I told my daughter that this is natural, everyone dies eventually, and when I do I want her to celebrate my life, as I would not want her to be sad. It helps to have faith, I told her I will always love here where ever I am. I explained there are many other people here for her too, that love her. Having a pet that dies,can trigger this, but also can help children to understand too.