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US Fundamentalists to Hold Child Abuse Seminars in the UK

every parent should be aware of these guys...

"When a child is bound in self-blame and low self-esteem, parents are not helpless. God has given them the gift of the rod. The rod can bring repentance, but it goes much deeper than that. The rod in the hands of a righteous authority will supply the child’s soul with that moment of judgment that he feels he so deserves. Properly applied, with instruction, it will absolve the child of guilt, cleanse his soul, and give him a fresh start through a confidence that all indebtedness is paid. The rod meets a psychological need in the child’s soul. " Minister Pearl of No Greater Joy

UK home education groups are in uproar after it has been revealed that fundamentalist Christian home school magazine "The Old Schoolhouse" are set to embark on a tour of the UK next month.

Whilst a quick scan over their website seems to show them as a relatively innocuous (if rather backward and extremely fundamentalist) pressure group promoting home schooling it is their links with the "No Greater Joy" ministry run by Michael and Debi Pearl which has raised alarm.

Both of these evangelists have written for the Old Schoolhouse, which regularly advertises their products, plugs their books and gives away material on the Pearls' unique brand of 'child training' including a copy of their book "No Greater Joy" as a free gift to new subscibers.

The tour was announced earlier this year, and some have been worried that Michael and Debi Pearl may even be joining them on some of their UK dates as they plan to in other European countries.


Re: US Fundamentalists to Hold Child Abuse Seminars in the UK

Oh my, that's horrible. You must spread the word and prevent parents from participating. I wish books like Unconditional Parenting, and Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves became best sellers. Parents who read these will not opt to attend these events.

Re: US Fundamentalists to Hold Child Abuse Seminars in the UK

We home educate our two school-age sons and I often visit internet sites for resources. One visit to the schoolhouse site was enough to show me to steer clear like the plague. Parents who home-educate get enough undeserved hassle and misunderstanding without these weirdoes coming in stirring things up. People seem to think that because they don't go to school our boys don't mix socially or have friends - but they go to scouts, drama club, judo club etc. and our 12 yr old had a wonderful birthday party yesterday with his scout friends invited. School is not the be-all and end-all of a child's social life as I sure most of you will be well aware. We even had a neighbour report us to social services because we home educate which was really scary - it took 3 visits and loads of letters and legal advice before they at last stated there was no concern at all and left us alone. Needless to say we moved to a new neighbourhood! We had a social worker say that as we home educate no one would be aware if the children were being physically abused - but what about their cubs and scout leaders, drama teacher, judo instructor, holiday club teachers, or even friends parents???? I am not a Christan myself though I was raised in a christian family and went to a christian school, and one of the main reasons I am not christian is because I cannot possibly get my head around this nonsence about children being born with inherited guilt and sinners and born with the desire to do evil. I cannot possibly hold a baby in my arms and think 'he's a sinner, he has guilt'. We have never once physically punished our children - if they do need a punishment then it is the loss of a privilege or time out or at worst time standing in the corner or they write lines. I am worried that these extremists coming here spreading their nonsense will make things even worse for UK home educators with people thinking that we are all advocating their to my mind dangerous and brainwashing propaganda. Free speech can go too far sometimes - these people should be banned from lecturing here.