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my child throws things at other children help!!

im at the end of my tether my child who is 15 mths james has semed to have a thing about throwing things at others and i really really need to hear some advice as it has been going on for some time and it is affecting me going to toddler group and being around other mums with children as im always on edge. i would love t hear some advice from mums who have been through this with there children.

Re: my child throws things at other children help!!

put him in the time out chair let him no everytime he do this he half to sit for 15 minutes alone in the corner he will not like it but he will change

Re: my child throws things at other children help!!

It is a phase... I have been running a Toddler group for about 7 years and I've seen lots of children like this... including my youngest. Just keep telling him "No, that's not OK". My daughter used to push other children and 15 months. She is a model pupil at school now. Try to stay close to your boy at Toddlers so you can stop him throwing things. I know it can make you feel awful. If other parents are critical, maybe they'll get a challenging child next time !!!!Then they'll learn to be less critical!( it was my third child who was like this so I speak from experience.) Don't stop going to Toddler group... he needs to learn and it's better for him to learn with you that he can't behave like this than when he goes to pre-school and still is showing this behaviour. Good luck.

Re: my child throws things at other children help!!

Well, I went through this too and I found an unusual solution. I recommend that you read the book, Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves by Dr. Aldort. She talks about it in the book and her solution is unlike anything I have ever seen and it is such a relief. You should read it yourself, as when I say this, I generally get negative reaction because everyone is so used to the old ways, and toddler groups... so please don't jumt to a conclusion when I give you a summary:
Aldort points out to research that shows that toddler who do not engage in peer grouops do not tend to develp such behaviors. She says that putting toddlers together is like putting the blind with the blind. They get frustrated and they learn bad social habits and they learn to depend on adults too much for their relationships.
Well, my oldest was a toddler in a toddler group when I encountered Aldort's ideas. I stopped going to that group. I started socializing with moms when my husband could stay with my son. It was such a giant relief. Oh my. Unbelievable. No struggle, no embarassment, and over time, all the aggressive behaviors vanished. Mixing mom time with toddler time does not work, and toddlers with each other does not work either. My son does best with older kids, one on one. Try it. Read that book. You may be surprised.