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Mother's aid??

I have 3 young children, and dont' have time to get much done. (especially outside in the yard) A close friend of ours has an 11 year old daughter who would love to babysit. I thought she might come and keep an eye on my 2 youngest (will be 2 2/2 and 1 by then.) while I get some yard work done. I don't know though what to pay her for helping. it would be a few hours one day a week. Any information would really be appreciated.

Re: Mother's aid??

if you are home you can pay her in food probably junk food or give her 5 dollars to buy snacks for herself while she keeping a eye out or you can get some 99 cent burger king burgers or something what did she say

Re: Mother's aid??

It's a good idea to have an 11 year old to help while you are long as she knows to call you if she gets in a pickle. I have an 11 year old but I wouldn't want her paid in food especially not junk food. I asked my daughter and she said she wouldn't want to be paid with food... but a small amount of money or something she really wants, that's small.

Re: Re: Mother's aid??

thank you for the advice. It helps to have an 11yr olds perspective too. I was thinking like $5 a day for like 3-4 hrs or so??? or is that cheating her??

Re: Mother's aid??

No,that's fine. My daughter says that's ok.