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Re: Re: toddlers behaviour

My daughter also used to do this. I found it was usually because she was tired and needed a nap. Even if she appears to not need one, maybe try it and see if it also helps you. My daughter is now 5 and we very rarely have any tantrums. She will outgrow it.

Re: Re: Re: toddlers behaviour

Oh, there is a fabulous chapter on tantrums in this book I love so much, Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves (get it on Amazon). It gives precise instructions on dealing with toddlers' tantrums and it has been more than effective for me.
One thing you want to consider is that your daughter sometimes wants to walk further and sometimes not and see if you can adjust yourself to make her will count so she has less reason to rage. But when there is no way, learn from that book how to deal with the tantrum. I am not good at explaining it, the book is. I can tell you that my boys have no tanrtums at all any more.