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Step children just been placed with us!

My partners children ( 2 boys aged 6 and 9)lived with their mother and we saw them every weekend. The school has become increasingly concerned with the 6yr olds attention seeking behaviour. On Monday the childs mother hit the 6yr old accross the face and split his lip and bruised his face. My partner become very concerned and so did the school. Social work were contacted they werent very interested so the school contacted the police. The police removed them from their mother and placed them with us. We are happy they are with us and safe but I am 20 weeks pregnant and my partner and i work full time. I have managed to get the next 2 weeks off but dont know what to do after that. The police say the kids are with us indefinately and social work say they may go back. We have had no experience with social work etc so dont know what we are doing. The 9 yr old has improved 100% since being with us very happy. The 6 yr old on the other hand is not he bangs his head off the wall when beeing told off and also tried to run out of school when getting told off also. Obviously this is a hard time for them but does any1 have any ideas how to deal with this behaviour?

Re: Step children just been placed with us!

the six year old been abused by his mom so its gonna be rough if he is banging his head and getting his lip spit you should take him the seek him to calm him down yall might or might not have the kids forever its up to the mom to get her act together and go to parenting classes if she want them back if not then after 2 years she lose all her rights to her children but they will adapt and you should take it easy being 5 months pregnant but the little one needs medication talk to his primary care doctor