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Re: Tough one - Dad cheated, what do I tell my son?

That is tough. Still, I think you are only acting out of love for your son. You are sacrificing some pride by saving face for your husband. In all reality, you could have used this as a selfish way to "get back" at your husband for doing what he did. Instead, you took the high road and did what you felt best for your son. Is it RIGHT? That is tough. Many would say honesty is the best policy, but in this instance, is it the most helpful? Perhaps you should allow his father to handle the details of this and tell your ex husband that you want him to make the call. One thing is obvious, you care a lot about your son and family. God bless.

Re: Tough one - Dad cheated, what do I tell my son?

Hi ya,

I'd say don't tell him the truth until he's older. My Mum told me when I was 12 that my Dad was having an affair. I wasn't old enough to deal with it at all and its one thing I wish my Mum had never told me. Although there were never any children from it but I never saw my Dad or any Men in the same way again. When I met my husband I had terrible trust issues and even now I tend to expect that he'll cheat on me.

Normally I am one for telling the truth but because my Mum needed a friend at the time its turned me into one parnanoid women! Wait till he's older.

I think you did the right thing. He'll understand when he's older if you decide you ever need to tell him.

Re: Tough one - Dad cheated, what do I tell my son?

you shouldnt lie to your child tell him the truth tell him first before anybody elese do and trust me they will or have i dont think he would see his father any differently but i would not lie for no one not my own mother