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Re: 9yr old son out of control

it sounds like your son may be getting bored and frustrated with his school work because it is too easy for him? he sounds like a very smart boy and maybe he needs some intellectual challenges to get him engaged with school again. Maybe try speaking to your sons teachers about this? does the school have a program for gifted or advanced children? good luck!

Re: Re: 9yr old son out of control

I suggest karate or some other form of martial art for your son. I have my 9 yr old in karate and sometimes I think it is the only thing that keeps us sane. If you find a place with a tough but posative instructor it can do wonders for mental and physical stimulation as well as discipline. Good Luck

Re: 9yr old son out of control

My son (will be 11 next month) exhibits some of the same behaviors that you are experiencing. He excels in all of his academic subjects. He, too, never causes harm to others, but he becomes extremely frustrated and angry. He wiggles constantly, makes irritating noises, talks incessantly, and has to be called down repeatedly throughout the day.

After trying to solve these problems for four years, I decided to take him to the pediatrician for advice. They diagnosed him with ADHD and suggested different medications to put him on. I don't want to put him on medicines, so they also suggested that I read books on ADHD for different parenting methods. I did this and to a point it has helped us out.

I learned to analyze what is causing the problems and when they were most likely to occur. Then I tried to tackle each peice of the problem with it's own solution.

My son would become very bored in his class and that is when the trouble at school began. He did not need to copy pages of notes or study to make a high score on his tests. I asked his teacher to give him additional items that he could work on in the same subject that might be more challenging to him. When the class works on something that he can't stay focused on, he works on the other items. He is still learning the subject and not disrupting the class. I think it helps him to think that he has a choice. He was easily distracted by any other child that caused a disruption. I asked that he be seated by children who were of a quieter nature. Next, I had his school test him in all subjects. He was above his level in all subjects. In math and science, he is now taking accelerated classes.

At home, I learned to be patient and keep my request of him more basic and to the point. When I want him to clean his room, I break the request into fragments. First I ask him to make his bed, then I ask him to return his toys to the shelves, and I go through each step until the job is complete. I also minimized the stimulation that was in his room making it easier for him to remain calm in the evenings.

This is just some suggestions that have helped us. Hopefully, they may be of some use to you as well.

Above all, please remember that your little boy does not mean to misbehave. He is struggling and that must be scary for him. Reassure him that you are there for him and that together you will work through this. Maybe that will lessen his feelings of anger and desperation.

Hang in there, parenting is hard, but loving them is so easy.

Re: 9yr old son out of control

He is a gifted child frustrated by the lack of stimulation. Contact the society for gifted children in London, they have meetings in other places in the UK too, and ask for an assessment. So many gifted children end up being labelled as problem children or even special needs or just thick because they play up badly through the sheer frustrations of lack of stimulation. Basically, his school work is so easy for him he's bored.

Re: Re: 9yr old son out of control

This does happen alot here in the States, too.

Re: 9yr old son out of control

I feel for parents who have to face challenges with children like this. He sounds to be advanced in some areas.What concerns me is the fact that he was sitting with windows opened in his room with no clothes on. There is more going on with your son than just being gifted and may be ADHD.
I have raised three children all of whom were in gifted programmes in school and colleges at an very early ages. I am school teacher myself and taught special education.
Please don't wait for the school to advise what you should do or where you should go..for your son's sake take him to a good child psychologist. Your son may need a school that cater to children with special needs.
Good luck.