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9-year-old son invited to sleepover party

Hello, and thanks in advance for your opinions on this.
My 9-year-old son has been invited to a sleep-over birthday party at his new best friend's house. I'm conflicted about whether I should let him go because I don't know the family that well. They seem nice, but we have never had them to dinner at our house, nor have we eaten at theirs'. The boys have played at each other's houses three or four times. They are good friends at school, but they are not in any after-school activities together where I might have had a chance to really talk to the parents. My son desperately wants to go to the party. I'm feeling like I don't know....what kind of movies they might let their kid watch during the sleepover, whether they have a gun at their house...things like that. I suppose I could ask those questions. What do you think? Should I let him go? Or say that my son is busy but invite the family for dinner? My son was just invited on Tuesday and the party is this Saturday. One more factor: about once a month, my son wets his bed and I'm slightly concerned that he might do that during the sleepover.
Thanks again for your insights!

Re: 9-year-old son invited to sleepover party

let him go but tell them so they can use plastic for there beds or buy some adut diapers and have the woman over see that he use them at night and that solves that until he stop probably when he gets 12

Re: Re: 9-year-old son invited to sleepover party

I would say if you have questions call and talk to the other mom. Or invite the other mom over if possible and chat about it. I'm sure having kids herself she will understand. It's not right to hold your son back, but also it is up to you to keep him safe. I hope this helps.

Re: 9-year-old son invited to sleepover party

With regards to the bedwetting alone, I don't think it would be right to ask the mother to oversee that your son uses an adult nappy or to warn her to use plastic sheets, that would be humiliating and embarrassing for him which could trigger a bedwetting session anyway. At his age he will still fit perfectly well into junior plus 'drynights' pull-ups which he can discreetly put on in the toilet or bathroom when he changes into his nightclothes and he can discreetly bin them in the morning, or wrap them in a carrier bag and put in his overnight bag to throw away at home. No fuss or problem there at all, no need for anyone to know about his perfectly natural occasional accidents. As for whether he should go at all or not, no one can really say yes or no that's your decision but if it were me I would simply telephone his friend's mum before had to ask about the stuff you raised like movies etc. We recently moved to a new area and our sons have just made new friends with boys whose parents we don't know yet so I know exactly what the concerns are.

Re: Re: 9-year-old son invited to sleepover party

I agree with Melissa about the bed wetting...about the sleep over itself, If you’re uncomfortable I wouldn’t let him go. If you’re just over protective I would give it a may be good for you both.
Go over for a hr or so when the party starts instead of dropping off your child and leaving....I feel the same way about my child