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daughter's first overnight at fathers

My Daughter is four and has seen her father on and off and about a year ago started seeing him every weekend. First it was supervised but now it is not. She still doesn't get excited to see him and the majority of the time will say that she doesn't want to go. She doesn't cry anymore. I have been trying to prepare her for the sleepover but she gets upset everytime. Tonight she cried on and of for an hour about it. Throughout the visitations I have told her to tell her father he feelings because he has no clue or doesn't care. But tonight she told me she wants me to tell him. I don't know what to say to her anymore. In the US court system they don't really care what the children say untill they are older.

Re: daughter's first overnight at fathers

Is it separation or is she just not used to him? or is it more? Im not suggesting that its anything sexual but there has to be a reason why she doesnt want to go? Try to find out with out putting any words in your daughters mouth.