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My daughter is 3 1/2 years old and an extremely bright child with excellent vocabulary while unbelievably inquisitive and observant.

Recently, we have seen her behavior in front of groups change. For example, she went to a holiday show for her class today in front of parents and grandparents and only wanted to sit on her teacher's lap and not participate in the show. There are times in her classroom activities where she is either really "on" in participation, learning, having fun or really "off" not talking, very negative body language and complaining of tiredness.

We have not been able to figure out which daughter will show up at which time and it has become upsetting as parents to see this going on.


Re: Behavior

It could be that your daughter is just having an 'off' day, we all get them and children are no different, but if you are really concerned about these episodes of 'tiredness' and if they happen at home too then you may want to have her checked out at the doctors. Keep a close eye on her diet too, to make sure she is getting all the vital vitamins and minerals she needs from her food.

On the other side of the coin she may simply be looking for attention and enjoying the closeness of sitting on someones lap and being made a fuss of. Even though she is normally extremely bright academically, she may be lacking in her social skills, this will develop over time as she is still very young and has much to learn. Try not to worry too much.