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two grandsons,one 6 the otherwell be 4.
now I seem to recall that brothers don't get along that well maybe not being so close in age as these two. any way the 6 yr old not happy to see the4 yr old.but the oppasite with the 4 yr old.
also the four yr old hits the six yr old alot. is there a way to stop this?

Re: brothers

It's the same with my kids (they are almost the same age). The younger adores his older sister, and my daughter is annoyed with her younger brother. My son is clingy and loves his big sister a lot- wants to be just like her, does everything she does etc, but she is independent and can't stand him always in her business. I tell her that her brother loves her very, very much and to be nice to him. She can usually put up with him a bit better after the reminder, but still needs a LOT of reminding. I don't know if it is the same situation with your kids, but it will probably fizzle out once each child is secure with who s/he is and becomes independent.