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Have I traumatized my toddler?

For the first 18 months of my 20 month old daughter's life, I rocked her and nursed her to sleep every night. She slept with her dad and I, and woke up every few hours to nurse, cuddle, and be patted back to sleep.

A few months ago, we started transitioning her to her own crib and started patting her bottom to put her to sleep in her bed without nursing. This was a long and painful process for all of us, but we made slow and steady progress. In the last week, we have weened her from having her bottom patted, and well, she sleeps through the night and puts herself to sleep at bedtime without any fussing at all.

I know this may sound like a success story, but I'm worried about one thing: she is almost obsessed with role playing "night-night" with her dolls and with me. She tells me or her dolly "nigh-nigh" and says "ah lov-u" as she puts a blanket on us. Then she says, "pat da bottom? No. Go away." Then she leaves the room. After a few seconds she comes back in, says "get up!" and then we start over again.

Does anybody know whether this kind of things means anything or whether I should be concerned? Is this a normal way for kids to process new routines, or is something wrong? What should I do when she goes through this role playing game? I usually just play along, but should I be saying something or using this to offer her an explanation? If so, what kind of explanation would you suggest?

Re: Have I traumatized my toddler?

No, it is normal for children to role play, my daughter used to try and breast feed her dolls because she saw me do it with my youngest! Actually I think your daughter probably enjoyed this routine and as she is happily playing out this scenario she is most certainly not traumatised by it. This routine made her feel safe and secure and she simply wants her dolls to feel the same way.