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Help! 2½ year old behaviour problem

I love my 2½ year old son very much and he is very loving towards me most of the time....recently he has been going to a childminder and nursery during the day while I am at work and when I arrive to collect him at the end of the day he is very indifferent to me(crying, smacking me and generally not wanting me near him)....this is very distressing for me as well as embarrasing in front of other people (I'm sure they think my son hates me)....I just want him to be pleased to see me like all the other kids are with their mums....has anyone else ever experienced anything similar and if so how did you deal with it?

Re: Help! 2½ year old behaviour problem

My daughter did that when she strated at playgroup - she was happy when I dropped her off, and loved being there, but hated me when it was pick up time. The playgroup leaders said it was fairly common, and its a way of the child punishing you for leaving them. Theyve had great fun, and love being at playgroup or wherever, but, when you come back, it reminds them that mummys left them again, and its a way of showing you theyre not pleased with what youve done!
It only lasted for about 2 or 3 weeks with Rhianna (but she's still stroppy and huffy when I collect her now), as long as he's happy when he's away from you, I wouldn't worry too much, let him know how much you love him, and try and get him to talk about his day with you.
Hope this helps

Re: Help! 2½ year old behaviour problem

my son was 13 months when he started nursery & i faced a similar problem ; when collecting him, he would run away, cry & reject me any way he could. I know how devastating this is to you, it was to me, but our nursery didnt seem bothered by it, & they assured me he was happy there each time i left him. I just want to say, dont worry about it, he is just rejecting the change in his daily life, & the more he enjoys it, he will soon forget to punish you for leaving him, but it may take a while. My son is just two now, & i dont remember exactly when it happened,it was before he was 18 months, but now when i pick him up, he runs to me with open arms!