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Re: Help!

I have 4 that all had similar problems..

they associate the fear and pain of being sick with the attention they got when they werre sick
2 is a hard age to break that habit.
I had a daughter that spent 4 weeks in intensive care when she was a 8 mos old for scoulded skin syndrome..( a very rare bacterial infection) and she still needs extra comfort from us.
and she is almost 5 now

I would say try laying in his bed with him for a few nights till he falls asleep..( also play a music box or something that makes the same song over and over)
get him used to having you there for comfort
and lay with him when he wakes up and cries
just for the first week or so.
before you know it he will be back on his own.

the music will help him associate his bed with you
and the comfort of having you there..
so when he hears it when your gone his subconcious tells him you are there!

worked very well for me...

Re: Re: Help!

Awsome! ty so much for the advice, I will try it tonight. He has slept two nights in his room this after falling alseep on the couch and me moving him, then he wakes around 3:30 am and calls for me then we go downstairs and he falls alseep again. This isn't too bad because I have had at least 6 hours sleep in my own bed...finally! But I will try seeing if he will lay down in his bed. Thats another road block once we go into his room he wont go in his bed even if we lay there, that we have tried, but music may work. Thank you again for the help!