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my 8 year old has been acting like a baby

my 8 year old son has been acting like a 2 year old, wineing,crying and pointing. he does this at school and home, I don't know what to do, he use to be a very independent young man, now I don't know.

Re: my 8 year old has been acting like a baby

my 10 year old daughter was doing the same thing
I say let the punishment fit the crime..
if he acts like a baby . get him some diapers and a bottle and have him walk around outside dressed like that. ( exspecially in front of his friends)

I had mine carry a sign that says im almost 11 but I act like im 2, I told her that every time I heard a whine she was carring it, wherever we went
2 trips to the grocery store and one night at the restaurant was sufficent...

in this age where kids can no longer be spanked we need to be creative in our punishment!

hope this helps

Re: Re: my 8 year old has been acting like a baby

What where's this?! You can still spank here in New Zealand. Although they are trying to make it illegal.
I think your way is great! I remember having to drink out of a baby bottle when I was four. LOL It didn't work though. I liked to drink out of it. Maybe at age 10 I would feel differently. ;)

Re: Re: Re: my 8 year old has been acting like a baby

I agree with a previous reply, if he acts like a baby treat him like one. Baby bottle, bib, dummy, baby bedtimes like 7pm. and get out his old pram and make him use it.