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Re: Re: separation and child abandonment

But I am worried that they will be drawn into problems that Children's aid is involved with with him and our son together. I want to protect them.

Re: separation and child abandonment

I would make him go thru the motions at the court

most judges want what is BEST for kids..

is he paying child support? if so your hands may be tied. any parent that pays child support has the right to see that child. so long as they dont put the child in harms way.
thats just the law!
sounds like a pretty pathetic guy for doing what he did..
sorry to hear about it.
but the law is the law and if you dont want him around you would have to ask him to either
1. willingly sigh off parental rights.
2. drop the child support and ask the court to remove his rights.
3. prove and I mean (PROVE POSITIVE) that he puts the kids in danger.

hope this helps.. sounds like your situation is similar to mine.. please read my post and see if you can advise me...

Re: Re: separation and child abandonment

Just a note about the child support/visitation thing..that's only valid in some states. i lived in michigan where if you pay child support you getto see your kids. now i live in kentucky where it doesnt matter if you pay or not you have to go to court justto get visitations. being married i know is different but id give him hell for what he did