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Naughty 11 month old daughter

Hi, ive heard many a times that an 11 month old baby cannot be naughty, i dont believe this is true. I have an eleven month old little girl, she is very boisterous, she has always had a slight temper but id say the past few weeks she has got worse, her temper is terrible, if she cant have something she wants, she will throw/push away anything around her, throw herself on the floor, and scream. Id say she is already having tantrums. Her father and i are both quite firm with her, and we never give in to her, so i dont know what has caused this, is there anything i can do to or any advice you can give me to help me out, before this gets any worse. Thanks x

Re: Naughty 11 month old daughter

I'm sorry to have to point this out, but any fault is entirely of your own doing. A child of 11 months is not willfully throwing things at you or on the floor she is simply playing a game and finding out what will happen, it is how babies and children learn. I am very worried about your response and believe you should seek help at parenting classes to learn about child development. By the way if you are too firm with her then I am not suprised she is throwing 'tantrums' as you call it. Try giving her loves and cuddles and praise her when she is behaving well instead of telling her off if she is not.

Re: Naughty 11 month old daughter

I disagree with the womans advice before me. All children are different. MY 12 month old is the SAME WAY. She is my second child. As long as you don't give in there isn't much you can do. When my daughter is throwing a tantrum (which is quite often) I now put her in her play-pen in the other room. Her tantrums are only a few very short minutes long. Then when she is done I hug her and kiss her and let her play. When they are that young you can't lecture because they don't get it. In these case actions speak louder than words. Not giving her the attention she wants when she is acting like this helps. However some children are more aggressive than others and all you can do is try your best and love them.

Re: Naughty 11 month old daughter

That's a load of rubbish. They can be naughty at that age. My daughter was throwing tantrums at 10 months. And I did nothing to make her that way.
Giving her what she wants will do nothing. You don't need parenting classes. Try time outs or a light smack on the hand. I was brought up that way and it did me no harm. My daughter gets a light smack on the hand when she does something she knows is wrong. And she learns. Just yesterday she started backing away as fast as she could from our CDs and tapes, when I said "no".

Re: Re: Naughty 11 month old daughter

I too was brought up with a light smack for misbehaving, but to smack a baby of 11/12 months is not going to teach it right from wrong. Far better to give lots of praise and attention when she is behaving beautifully and ignore the less than perfect behaviour. The word 'naughty' suggests the child knows she is doing wrong, and I cannot believe for an instance that a baby has this level of intelligence.

Re: Re: Re: Naughty 11 month old daughter

Oh they do. Not every 11 month old but it's easy to tell. If they turn and look at you and smile before touching something what does that say to you? To me that says they are testing you. To see if you will tell them off or not.
Just yesterday my daughter backed away from our wall unit when I growled at her for touching the CDs. She knew she wasn't supposed to. Otherwise she would have just sat there and stared at me blankly.
I'm not saying all 11 month olds know but I think a lot do. Actually I tested my mother before 11 months. I used to crawl up to the heater and look at her and grin and stick my hand out. She would say "no hot" every time. I kept doing it until the day I burnt my hand. I don't know why she let me burn myself but hey, I learnt the hard way.
I also smashed the glass top coffee table and went right through it from jumping on it like a trampoline but that's a whole new story... I was 4 then... And that was after being told time and time again not to do it.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Naughty 11 month old daughter

Mind you I am old school. I believe in letting a baby cry it out. Even at a young age. Not newborn but four months and up. It worked for us. Better than having a baby in your bed or having to go into the room every five minutes. Sure, I checked diaper, hungry/thirsty, cold/hot, sick?, teething?, etc... But if all those needs are met and they were fine before you put them to bed then obviously they are fine.

Re: Naughty 11 month old daughter

Thank you for to all except the person who left the first response, i did not agree with that. I do agree with the other comments left though and i can relate to them totally. I will just continue to be firm with her and try my best to teach her right from wrong.

Re: Naughty 11 month old daughter

I have a 13 month old that is trying the same thing. He does not get his way either. The one advice about putting your baby in the play pen or in their crib is good advice. They are just trying to get our attention. Don't give in and be firm. If they are into something they are not allowed to touch a little pop on the hand will not hurt anything but their feelings. Don't be fooled kids of just about any age know what they are doing to get the attention they want.