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My 3yr old daughters strange behavior at daycare?!?!?!

hi, my name is Destiny. I have a 3 year old daughter. When she was a year and a half I decided to go back to work. I have a sister who is about 7 months older than my daughter and she had been going to a lady running a daycare out of her own home for approx. 6 months before I enrolled my daughter at the same place. Before now, she has loved being there. she enjoys getting to spend 5 days a week with her "auntie best friend." Everything has been going well since she started there up until about a month ago. When her father or I drop her off at daycare, she instantly finds a place to hide. she walks around with her head down and won't look at anybody. she cries for me all day. she won't listen to the sitter. she screams "no" when the sitter tries to get her to do something. It seems to my mom and i that she is going through a stage, my sister also went through a similar stage when she was about this age. my questions are: should i be alarmed? what could be causing her to act in this manner? could it be that the sitter, my husband and i have been trying to potty train her for a few weeks now? it all seems a bit out of character for her, she is usually happy, always smiling, and saying the funniest things. i am worried and confused. i don't know what to do. should i change daycares? help please?!?!?!?!

Re: My 3yr old daughters strange behavior at daycare?!?!?!

I would really look into why she is acting this way. If she was acting fine and happy before and this has come on suddenly you should try and talk to her . If she was mine i would be very concerned . Unless you know for sure that the day care is the problem i wouldnt change her . It might only make things worse. But i would do some serious research on this day care center and talk to your daughter about her actions it might be something very simple . But i would error on the side of caution dont just pass it off as a phase especially if it goes on too much longer. Good luck what ever you decide to do...