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Re: 5 mth old not sleeping

I guess a five months this is a problem that can be addressed fairly easily. Controlled crying IS the way forward but things will probably get worse before they get better. Of course your son will cry more ~ suddenly he is not being taken in to your bed where he wants to be. Be prepared for about a week of difficulties before they get better. I also understand how hard it must be for you. Is it possible to put the baby in another room on his own? This way you can check on him regarding feeding, wet nappies etc. Then kiss him and put him back down to sleep then leave and close the door. Let him cry and you will find that eventually he will start to wimper, and you will hear breaks in his crying, gradually he will cry himself to sleep, try not to be tempted to go back in or he will start up all over again because he suddenly has the audience back! DO NOT WORRY ABOUT HIM HOLDING IT AGAINST YOU FOR LEAVING HIM ALONE, HE WILL NOT REMEMBER AT ALL THE NEXT MORNING. It is our guilty complexes that make us feel like it is our fault when babies cry. sometimes they just cry ~ its good for the lungs!! Best advice I can give you is STAY CALM even under intense adversity, babies will pick up your emotions and react badly. It is worth it in the long run and pretty soon you will be wondering what all the fuss was about. Good luck!

Re: 5 mth old not sleeping

Some nights my youngest son [1 1/2} might wake up and want to get out of bed so i bring him down stairs leave off the main lights and strap him into his buggy and leave him there to fall asleep. Sit beside him but not letting him play or get any attention . He will soon get bored and fall asleep . Start watering down his bottle and he eventually will get fed up waking for nothing. But you problem doesnt seem to be food related but attention seeking and him wanting to play. I know controlled crying only worked once or twice but the buggy bit works all the time he only wakes to get out of bed now if he is sick . How many naps they get can effect his sleeping too. My son only gets one nap in the morning and by the time night comes he is wrecked. obviously he isnt walking yet so thats another thing that will help with him sleeping.I find after i give mine baths before bed they are easier to settle . Hang in there it does get easier . Good Luck.

Re: Re: 5 mth old not sleeping

Perhaps he is teething? My daughter got her first tooth at 5 1/2 months. Does he scream his head off, on and off all the time? The first teeth are the worst I think. Are his gums red or swollen?