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My 7 year old says he has no friends! He does well in school and seems happy enough, but he doesn;t have one friend that he plays with all of the time. We've had play dates and parties, and many children attend and seem to like him, but he feels lonely.

Is it common for a kid this age not to have a best friend?

Re: Friends

I worried when my daughter started school that she did not seem to have a 'best' friend. I asked the school on many occasions who she played with most and the teachers could not pin down any one child. She is now 16 and this pattern seems to have carried on throughout her life, she is very bright and well balanced with many male and female friends alike. Many of which she can call on whenever she wants too. I think sometimes this is more healthy from a social point of view. If your son is happy then I would not worry, carry on inviting children round for tea and to play etc. Keep telling him he is very lucky because he has many friends not just one. P.S My other daughter is a total opposite, preferring just one close friend. She is equally as bright and happy, children are all very different! What is right for one is not always right for another. Try not to be too anxious.