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Re: My son wont go to sleep alone

Hi there
I had this with my son about the same age. He would fall asleep on the couch but never in his bed and we would have to carry him to his bed. I have no easy solution but I did 2 things, one we bought him a "special" teddy that could only fall asleep when he was in bed and it was up to him to make sure the teddy falls asleep - if he gets up so does teddy and then teddy gets grumpy etc etc .... the second thing was when we put him into his bed and he got up we said nothing and led him back to bed. This went on about 15 times a night for about 4 nights ... then one night we put him into bed and I heard him say to his teddy now we have to stay in bed and that was it he got himself to sleep. It is not an easy thing to do and it does take alot of time and patience.
Good luck

Re: My son wont go to sleep alone

I have the same thing with my 2 year old but she never slept with her she just likes company until she falls asleep . Try sitting beside her first and then gradually move further away as time goes on. i also have a 1 year old so i know where you are coming from . I now put my one year old in his buggy with his bottle and my 2 year old lies on the chair and we turn off the lights and watch telly until they fall asleep so i can be with both of them until they go to sleep. I know its not ideal but it works for my family and thats the trick finding something that works for you and your family. Good luck